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Npn transistor in a sentence

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Sentence count:14Posted:2023-09-12Updated:2023-09-12
Similar words: transistorpnp transistortransistorizedpower transistortransistor radiophototransistorbipolar transistorfield effect transistor
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1, Silicon NPN transistor. RF power driver.
2, Silicon complementary NPN transistor. Audio amplifier, driver.
3, It drives the emitter of an external NPN transistor, and series with transformer to consist a flyback topology. The system is offline through the use of transformers and optocoupler transistor.
4, An NPN transistor can be considered as two diodes with a shared anode region.
5, Higher current can be delivered using an external NPN transistor.
6, You can use a cheap NPN transistor such as a 2N2222 to amplify this pulse, to interface with the next stage of electronics. You can also add divider ICs.
7, Figure 1-14 shows an NPN transistor and a PNP transistor in the feedback path to provide dual polarity operation.
8, The different trigger points of LDMOS's intrinsic npn transistor by isothermal and non-isothermal methods are compared and analyzed.
9, You can use a cheap NPN transistor such as a 2N2222 to amplify this pulse, to interface with the next stage of electronics.
10, NPN transistor for switching applications, interface circuit and driver circuit applications. With built-in bias resistors (100 and 100 kOm).
11, NPN transistor for high current switching applications, interface circuit and driver circuit applications. With built-in bias resistors (1 and 10 kOm).
12, A vertical PNP transistor with P-buried collector is used as injector which is merged with the downward operating NPN transistor.
13, The process is compatible to the existing double poly-silicon self-aligned NPN transistor process,[ transistor.html] which can be used to fabricate high-performance complementary bipolar circuits.
14, Especially, the circuit of NAND gate my be totally made by NPN transistor, and the circuit structure is simple, easily is complicated by Integrate Circuit.
More similar words: transistorpnp transistortransistorizedpower transistortransistor radiophototransistorbipolar transistorfield effect transistorin transittransitoryintransigentintransitiveintransigencegoods in transittransitorinessintransitive verbtransient analysistransient responsetransit tradeinsist ontransitconsist oftransienttransitiontransiencetransitiveresistortransientlytransit linetransit time
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  • MBWUpmEH 2023-09-24 13:34:20
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